Dentures – Fort Worth, TX

Restoring the Function & Appearance of Smiles

Many patients enter a long-term care facility with existing dentures and partials. More than 80% of these oral appliances do not fit properly. Because of the related discomfort and embarrassment, these patient’s teeth often spend more time in their drawer than their mouth. As a result, they interact less with their friends and tend to spend more time in their rooms. Also, not having a good set of teeth can have a huge impact on the foods people eat.

Why Choose LifeCycle Dental for Dentures?

  • High-Quality Dental Materials Used
  • Dedicated & Trustworthy Dental Team
  • Locally-Owned, Non-Corporate Business

Complete Denture Care 

Proper nutrition is important for all of us. For people in long-term care facilities, it is critical. Without reliable teeth, they cannot eat the combination of foods necessary to maintain strength and reduce the risk of disease. LifeCycle Dental offers a comprehensive array of removable prosthetics. We are happy to conduct soft tissue exams and clean dentures during routine visits. Our team is also able to fix broken teeth, repair cracks, and improve the fit of existing full and partial dentures. 

High-Quality Full & Partial Dentures

In cases where natural teeth have to be removed or an existing denture does not fit properly, LifeCycle Dental is able to fabricate new full and partial dentures. We offer a full range of partial and dentures, including flexible partials.

Denture Repairs & Relines

Dentures are a central part of many nursing home residents’ lives, because they allow them to eat, speak, and laugh without difficulty. If you’ve noticed that their prosthetics are slipping and shifting around their mouth, or that they have oral sores, call our team today to schedule a denture repair or reline. This will help them continue living a healthy lifestyle with a functional smile.